Teamwork — Munn Wealth Management

Meet our Team

We believe clients are best served by working with a team of qualified professionals, as it is impossible for one person to do everything well.  This team includes not only our employees, but also external strategic partners as well as our clients' personal advisors (CPA, attorney, etc.).

In 1998, Darren Munn began what would in 2002 become Munn Wealth Management.  As he worked with more clients, Darren recognized the value of using a team approach, where multiple professionals—with varying specializations—collaborate to serve each and every client. 

Subsequently, our team has grown—both in size and scope--to include members with five different professional designations.

Each client is served by a lead advisor, with collaboration from our advisory, investment and support teams.  All investment decisions are made by an investment committee of portfolio managers and research analysts who are led by Chief Investment Officer, Darren Munn, CFA. 

Our clients have regular communication with their lead advisor through phone calls, email and face-to-face meetings to track progress toward personal objectives and make changes as needed. 

Our compensation is calculated as a percentage of assets being managed, hourly, retainer, or project-based.  All fees are disclosed at the commencement of a client engagement and remain fully transparent throughout.

Advisory Team

David Munn, CFP® / President

Michael Wood, Client Advisor

Robert Lange, Service Advisor

Laura Noble Walker, JD

Gloria Sheline, CFP® CPA-Inactive

Dan Acheson, CFP®, EA

Moe Moubarak, Service Advisor

Investment Team

Darren Munn, CFA / CEO / CIO


Support Team

Jeanette Grzeszczak

Rebecca Perez, Executive Assistant

Kayla Wolf, Office Manager